The HydroMet Group is a research team led by Prof. Mengqian Lu at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The team currently consists of two postdoctoral research fellows and eight research graduate students. From time to time, we will have visiting students and scholars come to UST and work with us. You can find their research interests and news in the Team & Latest News sessions. At the moment, our team is expanding, if you are interested in joining us, please contact Prof. Mengqian Lu ( with your CV and some description of your research pursuit. We have opening positions for graduate students (both Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy) and postdoctoral researchers.
We want to provide a platform for anyone who might be interested in the same research area and/or our group, to know us and learn our current research findings. Our research interests lie in water resource, data science, climate dynamics and risk management. We are motivated by emerging questions at the intersection of water resources, severe weather event and climate change with a focus on hydroclimate extremes prediction and associated risk management given their close relevance to societal outcomes or to the advancement of science towards innovative application. Our ongoing research covers (1) spatiotemporal statistics and prediction of extreme hydrometerological events and the mechanisms and impacts of regional moisture recycling and transport (e.g., Atmospheric Rivers) , (2) global monsoons annual cycle, interannual variability and changes in a warmer climate, (3) robust water infrastructure planning under demand uncertainty and climate variability , (4) natural hazards such as heatwave, tropical storms, drought and floods. Our background and research experiences in water resources engineering, atmospheric science, climate and data science enable us assimilate the understanding of the physical systems with 'big data' approaches to develop a framework for the hydrometeorological study. Everyone in my group has their own research focus, which you can find out from their own page (linked provided below) in details.
We are expanding our team now, if you are interested in research topics related to water, climate, natural resources (hydro/wind/solar/tidal...) and natural disaster, you also happen to love to do Big Data analysis, machine learning, data science or simply programming and algorithm development, we have MPhil/Phd Student, Postdoc researcher, Research Assistant positions available in our group. Check out our current group members first.